Friday, February 25, 2005

You make me think

To all that have posted, and to all that have read. This is for you. Since I've started posting I've read what others posted and I also have dwelled on what the others who didn't post would have posted. My thoughts are your thoughts, your thoughts are my thoughts. Hopefully, we come together on this blog to improve our self worth, and to become conscience of others words. Some say deep, I say life in motion, and if you don't have thoughts your shallow. I encourage everyone to get involved. Come back home. Go back to the essence which has brought you this far. Go back to when you were 3 and you had that toy, and if someone took that toy all hell would break loose. When the world was centered around you, and so effortlessly you were able to get what you wanted just by being you. There were no prejudices and if you didn't like something, you just didn't like it. Some how a long the line we find ourselves less for ourselves and more for others. Then you find out that others seem to be busy with themselves. Is that possible? Especially when everyone claims they are tired of doing for others. There are so many people in our mix now, that we can't even eat a Big Mac w/o someone saying, "Are you sure your going to eat that!" I'm like shut the hell up! I took time to myself this year, not just to "do me" like everyone says, but to find out about me. I listened to what others had to say, prayed a lot and came up with this thought, which coincided with a thought by Nas. "Roll one deep. Only trust yourself. You can't betray yourself? If things go down you got yourself. " The reason why I wrote such harsh words is not only because we are responsible for our actions, but if you make the choice with you in mind, at the end of the day there will be know one to blame. Like I said earlier sometimes we have to make decisions like a 3 year old. God has given us the golden power of choice. That is a true power. That's why I love him.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

God has given us the power of choice and in that power we may choose to put either ourselves or others first. There's a certain feeling about putting others before myself and somehow the gratification is greater than doing for me. Sure you may get kicked around by other people and it will hurt but them folk are for God to handle. Understanding not to neglect yourself completely, without even trying, things just seem to fall in place. I sometimes wish I could put more of myself in the forefront and give less of myself to others, but then I wouldn't be me and wouldn't feel good about that. Maybe doing for others is a lesson in the making for the receiver, infectuous know, each one teach one. To each his own, maybe I haven't been kicked hard enough yet to seal myself off from the world but could you imagine a world where everyone put themselves first?

9:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So actually you are putting yourself first if you like helping other people. You get gratification out of it. If you didn't feel good for doing it, than I would agree, but since that's not the case then I would say that you are indeed benefiting.
There would be more peace than you think if people took care of self. Remember selfless doesn't mean always doing for everyone. Sometimes you got get you right to help others.

10:36 AM  

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