I used to love her?
When we met it was like key to lock, well mixed together like gin and juice. We were classic. We fit like like puzzle pieces in our twenties and dearly feeling life. Everything she did was interesting, everything I said was interesting. If two people were to be then we were that couple. Good buddies, lust buddies, we were all of that and then some. The new car smell was blissful. It seem to be more but I never could see it. As time past so did she, the girl I thought I knew really wasn't meant to be. Young and dangerous, decitful with anguish. She was definitely not who she set out to be. By than it was too late, I bit the bait. She had me caught in her rapture, but to my demise I had her caught too. I mean why would she change, why would she stray? When your young you jump both feet in, you never test the waters right? At least not with her! I mean many guys could probably share stories, but I wouldn't have believed them anyway? How can silk be rough? How could light become dark. She was the one, but time told she wasn't my one. She had her own agenda, and I was just a box to check. A man to put her up, why she continued to push him down. I used to love her, but it really didn't matter. She made me stronger, she's helped me to keep one eye open, because women are real. Diamonds are definitely blinding. Women sense lust, like men sense fear. I say I used to love her, but I think I just lusted for her? Never again, never again!
Because things don't work out is love then demoted to lust? I can't say that another personality is lying dormant beneath a masked individual. People change over time while desires are also instantaneous. I used to love him, and to this day knew it was love even though he didn't love me back. He was often hung up over a past love and was afraid to give his all, you know "jump in with both feet". As soon as he started feeling something, that "one eye open" became a nuissance and he lost me as a result. Love is a risk, trusting someone with your fears, insecurities and the biggest part of you, youre heart. It's funny how we think we know people for so long, and then that silk turns to sandpaper and unveils an ugliness unfathomable. It simply wasn't meant to be, and if it were meant for me, I would have it. Thank the good Lord that it hurts so bad that the pain of that momemt exceeds the joy you've experienced over time so you don't return. Thank God for timely clarity and thank God for pain.
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