Completely focused
On the way to the top you will pass a lot of things up. You will have to make sacrifices and you will have to break relationships. It's not about being deceitful, nor is about being rude. It's about being diligent, dedicated, and direct in your approach to accomplish your goals. Power is and will always be in your hand. People come and go. Only you can change because things around you tend to stay the same. Crush the opponent, and do it well. They won't know your enemies until you tell them. That's peace, and serenity is paramount. Making your mark is what your here to do, and anything else is unacceptable. These words may seem harsh but at any time this can be you. The road to success has many potholes, speed bumps, and turns. We believe in God, and we want to love thy neighbor, but when the chips are down sometimes your neighbor can't be loved. I always remember this line the most, "It's either him or me, and it ain't going to be me!" As people come into your life you have to immediately assess were you want them in your life. There is know time for games, nor is there anytime for mistakes. Good people bad people sometimes we can't tell the difference. We've seen good people turn bad, and bad people turn good. We're jaded at this point. The beautiful ones really get you, they lure you in and then they strike like a cobra. These words are not to hurt you. These words are to worn you. Watch them people that are close to you and make sure they are doing what their supposed to do. Never personal now a days it's the way.
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