Thursday, June 09, 2005

Embracing Time

I embraced you. Opportunity came, and I wasted you. I wanted you, prayed for you, and when I got you I didn't know what to do you with you. It's amazing how I always call for you, thinking of you. You make things possible, and impossible, only you. If I had more of you would it be at the right time? If I had less of you would that time be sufficient enough?

There were times when all I had was you, or at least that is what my elders would say. While reflecting back that wasn't the truth. I can remember yesterday being 16, being 21, being 25. I remember when things were simple yet complex. I remember when time was of the essence. Wait, it still is. My world is turning faster. My brain is thinking faster. My aspirations are growing larger, and I need more time. I need more time for me, more time from you. Give me the time, but allow less time for greatness to happen. Give me what I want now, and give me more of the time I need the most of. Serenity takes time, wisdom takes time, love takes time. Those things are hot commodities. Time is a hot commodity.

Which comes first, the time to achieve great things, or is it that great things allow you to have more time to achieve even greater things?


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