Tuesday, May 17, 2005


How does the Sun shine for you? How is it that every time that I see you the sun shines for you? You make the Sun shine for you. You bring rays of light down to earth just for you, because of the things that you do. You make the dark disappear, and the light appear for you.

I bring the dark and escape the light for you. I don't want to take the light from you. Because of all that you do. Your so special. If I'm in your light the light dims for you, because of all that I do. I'm not special.

If the light shines, or when the light shines for you. I'll make sure I stay so far from you, so that you will do all that you do because your so special.

I'm sorry to not be the shining light in your space. The ray of light when you wake. If light was what you needed hopefully you have enough for the both of us. There were times when your light shined through me. You saw through me and I couldn't stop the light. You knew I wasn't ready for your shining soul. You spoke, your eyes read it.

How does the Sun shine for you? How is that every time that I see you the Sun shines for you, and all that you do? Your presence shines and your always able to see through.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's great to be in control of your happiness and your "light". Not be swayed by the actions of others or uncontrollable circumstances but keeping the faith and maintaining that light. That's my goal.

6:47 PM  

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