Monday, May 30, 2005


It seems as if nothing works out when you want it to. You push and you pull, you give and you take. Nothing matters at the end of the day. People are never forgiving as they say they are. At first everyone is like if you made a mistake I would forgive, and move past it. Then the unthinkable happens. They don't stay by your side, and then they move away from you. I'm probably the most forgiving person that I know. I don't know if that's a good thing or if I am crazy as hell. My heart is cold, but when it comes to forgiveness I have a heart of gold.

Recently things have been so hard for me, and I've been making lots of decisions fast. I've tried to slow down. When you go so fast nothing is clear. I've made mistakes recently and one person in my life have been very unforgiving. I thought that person would be there no matter what. It's amazing how quickly things change. I really feel that I am on an island by myself when it comes to ideas and thoughts. I try to over come, but people want to bring you down. I can't blame you for what you want, but I can blame you for putting me so close to you.
Especially after dropping me in the middle of the desert with no way back. I've tried to plead, I've prayed, and at the end I'm all alone with my thoughts. I'm here wishing for you to forgive me.

I've made many bad descisions, but one major decision that turned good was keeping you along side of me. I would have sacrificed anything for your smile. Now I am writing about what could have been and what is always not going to be. Us! My heart is pouring out through my fingers, and I am typing so you can read me. Read me now. Listen to me now. Life is to short not to forgive. Forgive someone today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're big on loyalty. It's nice to have people that stick with you the way you would stick with them. We all make mistakes, I only hope others will extend the same forgiveness for me, I'm sure it's not easy...What can and cannot be forgiven? What about those that are not loyal to you? To someone who seems big on loyalty, can unloyal acts also be forgiven?

10:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Loyalty is definitely the on the fore front of my needs. I can't stress the importance.

10:31 AM  
Blogger PhD Research in Business said...

Loyalty and trust. Forgiving and not holding punches proceeding the forgivness. I wish I could find someone that would love me no matter what. That would be as loyal as a child to his parent.

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

loyalty & forgiveness are not one in the same. they are 2 completely different issues.
forgiveness is more needed for the do-er than the do-ee. forgiving is easy. it's the ability to forget and move on that is the real beast. forgiveness is the bandage on the wound. to forget how the scar got there is key.

4:18 AM  

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