Wednesday, May 11, 2005


While questioning my thoughts I often wonder if my thoughts are valid. More often than not I am questioned on my view point. I guess it's because I put it out there, but even still, it's amazing to me. I think differently than any one I know. I call myself an abstract thinker. A person that looks at things from my own view not from the average view. I've learned just because the masses agrees with something, that doesn't mean that it's right. I've also learned that the masses will agree with things just because the masses are not able to think without an existing opinion. We seem to be preprogrammed. We are not able to make decisions without options, or even able to follow through with the options we have. We have it so easy. I guess our options are our weakness.

I've been stuck in reality. I think it's time to get out. Reality slows you down. Reality makes you feel as if you can't do the possible. It makes you feel that you will be laughed at for your aspirations. Everything is possible. Everything has been done, so what makes you think you can't do what you want to do. Reality catches you and drops you all in the same moment. It's like I can do it, oh, wait... I can't. That's not good. Reality let's you know that your human, and you don't want to fail. Sometimes you have to fail. Failure is what builds us up to another level. So, the questions is why worry about reality? I mean the reality is that you only live til you die, and your dreams are what carry you through. Surpassing the most obvious and going with the uncertain sometimes drives me. So what if you fail, so what if you don't make it. The reality is that you will have another chance at something else. Weather it be through heartache, or pleasure, you still will get another chance. The chance of a life time. The chance to have memories, and the chance to say you did what you wanted. That's a reality that I'm willing to take. Besides we are our own worst enemy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because your reality is not the same as others doesn't mean their reality isn't real. It's ok to think differently than others, but when you try to impose your own thinking on others then you will have a problem. Sometimes people are too different and that difference is based upon their own realities.

3:31 PM  

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