Monday, September 12, 2005

Eye Contact

Eye contact the true definition of trust without words. We look into each others eyes full of deceit. We try to make a guilty situation honest, but our eyes won't let us lie. The contact I get from others is disarming. Once I figure that someone is not shooting straight with me, I usually get very upset. Not upset because there lying but upset because there is nothing that I can do. People don't realize there body language. People don't realize that most of there movements are more telling then the words that comes out of their mouth.

As I look into your eyes I see pain and frustration. I see troubles, and distance. You want to connect with my eyes, but your preconceived notion subjects you to deceit me. You wanna tell me the truth but your past haunts you. Your eyes are truly the windows of your past. When I catch a glimpse of your eyes I get butterflies. I want to pull the truth out. I want to gather the goods from you. I want to bring the truth to the forefront of this relationship. I know it's hard to catch eye contact when your mind is not aligned with someone. I know you would rather look away instead of looking into my brown eyes. My eyes are serious. My eyes are bright and they have hope. I see your eyes moving from side to side. I see the constant blinking. The looking away when I ask you a question. I see what makes you uncomfortable. I see what brings your mood down. Questions. Nothing but questions. Your eye contact gets my heart in trouble.
The more I look into your eyes the more I realize that you don't want this. You don't want what is available. You don't want what is at your finger tips. Rightfully so. It's your life.

The eye contact gives all of that away. Your pretty eyes are telling like the gray clouds in the sky. Like the high seas in the Atlantic. I wonder why I notice, but I don't take action. I wonder why my eyes don't run away from you, and choose to look into another's eyes? What? Would that be ideal? Eyes tell it all. Blinking tells it all. Starring tells it all. I often try to lock with you, but I notice you like neck exercising. You often look down, and when I look into your eyes, and when I look down you look up. Why put our eyes through these moments. Why have our hearts witness these lies. When you ask, people say I didn't lie to you. I've never lied to you. Yeah, verbally? Your eyes lied, and my eyes never miss an opportunity to see that.

Eye contact..... The most telling... Eye contact, the most disruptive resource you can use.


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