Moronic beauty.....
She was young, sexy, and innocent. She smelled of exotic oils, and her eyes were the
color of caramel. Her hair smelled of spring fragrance, and her smile was bright like the sun at noon. Where did she come from? If beauty had a physical description, it was definitely her. From her young adult life, she was dangerous, breaking hearts without even speaking to people. As she sashayed by, people would stare with jealously. I wonder where she came from?
As a young woman, and commonly as young women do, she attempted to act innocent. She had this moronic beauty of youth, that was so shallow, but still unstoppable. How could she get away with this constantly. Were we that amazed, and that selfish with our wants, that we didn't care how she treated us? Her lies were see through, here words were unbelievable, but we still fed into her ego. She would commonly cause rain storms just to get noticed, but she failed to realize that people noticed her anyway.
Her sensitive nature was so disarming. She always kept a boyfriend, because she wouldn't dare be alone. She needed to be comforted and like all men we were ready to comfort her. Who cares if she really knew how shallow we were, evil is as evil does. She was just as bad. She never asked for anything, because she received everything she wanted. Does that make sense? Some people just have their way.
Her moronic beauty of youth was her weapon, and even though it would only last through her youth, she was definitely milking it til the end. Sometimes, I would wonder if she even had a clue. Was she so jaded that she didn't know that she was different? Did she know that she took people through emotional roller coasters because of her ADHD, along with her confused ways. Nah, she couldn't. It seems as if she had multiple personalities, separate identities. She was sweet to me, an ass to you, and a slut to him. How could it be?
Ignorance is bliss, I wonder if her bliss was satisfying. They say that it takes a mother 18 years to build a man, but it takes another woman only 15 minutes to destroy him. She destroyed us, but only because we wouldn't have it any other way.
color of caramel. Her hair smelled of spring fragrance, and her smile was bright like the sun at noon. Where did she come from? If beauty had a physical description, it was definitely her. From her young adult life, she was dangerous, breaking hearts without even speaking to people. As she sashayed by, people would stare with jealously. I wonder where she came from?
As a young woman, and commonly as young women do, she attempted to act innocent. She had this moronic beauty of youth, that was so shallow, but still unstoppable. How could she get away with this constantly. Were we that amazed, and that selfish with our wants, that we didn't care how she treated us? Her lies were see through, here words were unbelievable, but we still fed into her ego. She would commonly cause rain storms just to get noticed, but she failed to realize that people noticed her anyway.
Her sensitive nature was so disarming. She always kept a boyfriend, because she wouldn't dare be alone. She needed to be comforted and like all men we were ready to comfort her. Who cares if she really knew how shallow we were, evil is as evil does. She was just as bad. She never asked for anything, because she received everything she wanted. Does that make sense? Some people just have their way.
Her moronic beauty of youth was her weapon, and even though it would only last through her youth, she was definitely milking it til the end. Sometimes, I would wonder if she even had a clue. Was she so jaded that she didn't know that she was different? Did she know that she took people through emotional roller coasters because of her ADHD, along with her confused ways. Nah, she couldn't. It seems as if she had multiple personalities, separate identities. She was sweet to me, an ass to you, and a slut to him. How could it be?
Ignorance is bliss, I wonder if her bliss was satisfying. They say that it takes a mother 18 years to build a man, but it takes another woman only 15 minutes to destroy him. She destroyed us, but only because we wouldn't have it any other way.
If I see her the next time she walks by. I will scream beauty, because beauty was her name.
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