A sold dream
The American dream and the pursuit there of is crazy. Buy a house, invest in your future, create a college fund, and save save save. It all can be gone tomorrow, but just in case, save! I really believe in all of those things, but sometimes I wish I could go to a place were those things didn't matter. Where the only thing that matters is what's on the table today, and the winter harvest. This new American dream, is killing me softly. Reading about the past always makes me feel jealous. They had it all so simple than. I have cell phones, cable, internet, cars, and various electronics. All of those things are supposed to make my life easier. I'm like no, it actually doesn't. Luckily we are very adaptive creatures. The American dream is sold for almost the cost of our souls. It seems to me like the only way to beat the game is to either be on the very top, where you have the money and power to do whatever you want, or be on the very bottom where all you think of is making it to the next day. All of us in the middle seem to be in so much trouble. Were stressed, confused, caught in a cycle that only fate could get us out of. Luckily we know how to play the game, and that game is give in. Give in to the dream of white picket fences..... The funny thing is we all think were different. That we don't chase the same things, but we really do. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong for wanting better, and living for twenty years later. It's crazy huh? We are living not for today, but for 20 to 30 years down the road from now. When I speak with people I notice that everyone is talking about what tomorrow brings, and I say all I see is myself on top of the structure looking down on people like a gargoyle on a gothic castle. The only thing is that it's lonely up there. It's not what I thought it would be. So now I change that plan and bring someone with me!
Can I soar like an eagle? Out of all living things on the earth, the eagle is the most faithful. An eagle will stay with their mate until there mate dies. That's crazy. I would love to meet a woman that would stay with me no matter what, until I pass. I mean now a days your lucky if you can keep your mate for a year. I'm looking for an eagle to soar with me. An eagle to change the American dream with me. Make it how we want to make it. Do what we want to do. Forget the rules. Let's break all of the rules. Break the normal pattern. Let's both do the wierdest thing, and run with it. Take a free fall off the deep in, and don't brace ourselves for the fall. If dying our hair pink, and getting piercings all over the body is something we want to do than do that. Forget the suit and tie, the weave and make up. Let's get real with it. Forget about what family says, and forget about what friends say. What do they know. The American dream is me. The American dream can be you. We can stand together on the mountain top. Let's make choices out of our own reasoning not others. That would be so real.
Can I soar like an eagle? Out of all living things on the earth, the eagle is the most faithful. An eagle will stay with their mate until there mate dies. That's crazy. I would love to meet a woman that would stay with me no matter what, until I pass. I mean now a days your lucky if you can keep your mate for a year. I'm looking for an eagle to soar with me. An eagle to change the American dream with me. Make it how we want to make it. Do what we want to do. Forget the rules. Let's break all of the rules. Break the normal pattern. Let's both do the wierdest thing, and run with it. Take a free fall off the deep in, and don't brace ourselves for the fall. If dying our hair pink, and getting piercings all over the body is something we want to do than do that. Forget the suit and tie, the weave and make up. Let's get real with it. Forget about what family says, and forget about what friends say. What do they know. The American dream is me. The American dream can be you. We can stand together on the mountain top. Let's make choices out of our own reasoning not others. That would be so real.
If people don't live the American Dream, than what are they living?
I wonder if the american dream can be changed to a world dream?
I would say there are alot of people who are not living the American Dream but living just to get by or simply just living.
Those people that are not living the American Dream because of inability sure would like too though.
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