Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Let's submerge ourselves, beneath what is. Can we connect like a two-way. Will you come to me like dreams in the night. I want to grasp you, press you against me, lay with you until the stars disappear. You are my vision. It's clear, it's so clear. How can this happen? Whisper your thoughts, and I will be your dream catcher. I will listen to your desires, and bring them close to my heart.....

Wow....... I thought of that. Even with all the negative experiences I've seen in my life. It's crazy. There still is hope. But I'm not ready!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you had enough insight to think of it and express it, then maybe you are ready and just won't let yourself take the risk to do something about it.

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Can't get to heaven with 2 feet on the ground"

9:06 AM  

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