Monday, April 25, 2005

Ordinarily Extraordinary

To those who do their best when know one is looking.
To those who realize that life is not just about when people are looking.

We realize that, the after life is more important than now, and what we do now echoes in eternity. Remember that, always remember that.
Don't shove things in the closet. Someone is always watching. We tend to be professionals in public and in private we tend to be careless.

I've learned that it counts just as much in private as it does in public. In fact, if you build yourself in private when no one is looking, you will find that the repetition will make your reputation.

Those that do the ordinary things extraordinary are special to me. The ones that respect everyone not just when it counts. It's hard I know, but the hardest things are worth working for.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's done in the dark always come to light. You, in general, are bound to show some sign of your true characteristics and someone will be watching when you do. I believe the world is better when we try to make ourselves better anyway.

11:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed at quiet successes, like "wow, where did that come from". It seems folk that are always talking about what they're gonna do aint really doin nothin and those that keep it low key are too busy getting it done to talk about it.

12:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think someone can build themselves up in the dark before letting everyone see who they are in the light. Isn't that what our parents do with us? They teach us how to behave at home, so that when we go out in public we will know how to act. What we do are a mere reflection of who we are. If you are an extrodanery person, you will do extrodanery things!

4:30 PM  

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