Wednesday, April 27, 2005

What moves you?

"I've been unhappy poor, and I've been unhappy rich. If I had to be one of the two, I'd rather be unhappy rich." -Burt Reynolds

Riches, they don't make you, they don't define you, but they do accent you. Sorta like Lawry's on chicken, or ketchup on French Fries. Most would say their rich inside, rich in health, and in God. That's good. I'm sure we're looking for the wheel to come full circle, but at the end of the day, our lively hood is what gives us our smile. We try very hard to make it. Some more than others, but even still we try. What moves you? Is it your family? Is it your friends, or is it envy? It may just be something inside of you. Some burning flame that wont go out. There is a saying that goes "You only live twice. Once through life, and another through your dreams." The hard part about that is trying to make your dreams come through your life. We often try, but most often obtain goals rather than dreams. We obtain our goals like graduating college and making a salary, but are dreams are something like sailing around the world on a yacht, or owning a building in every major city in the world. That would be great!

So what moves you? Is it because your predecessors didn't make it, or is it because your just plain old unhappy? It's okay to be unhappy. It's okay not to be in a state of clarity. What's not okay is not doing something about it. We must prevail if we want to succeed.

I have a flame in me that burns so high and hot that it will scorch my soul if I stop. What moves me is my skin color, my masculinity, and my brain power. I know that I won't rest well unless I am able to see my self where I want to be. Where I want to be doesn't change much, but the road to get there changes frequently. What moves you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What moves me is family and being able to match or better the success that my parents have found. The ability to provide for my future family and give them what is needed through choices rather than being limited to what is available. What moves me is the ability to transform myself from the problem child that was expected to only go so far and jump leaps and bounds beyond that expectation. What moves me is being both a minority and a female and fulfilling the visions dreamt by my predecessors from whence they were restricted for so long. What moves me is the mistakes that others have made and words of wisdom passed onto me not to do the same. To strike while I'm young rather than follow the flock that just doesnt' get it until they're 40. That's what moves me, and my friends don't understand. But that's ok.

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The movement is on. I move in the direction that the players do. The sayers not the doers. I move in the direction that makes me happy, even if it's frowned upon at times.
Fuck all the others, it's about what I want/

10:00 AM  

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