Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Today we feel that it's our responsibility to preserve the physical life. We no longer leave life up to God. Duringthese moments of realization I've noticed that we tend to play God if that makes any sense. We immortalized the dead and we also try to immortalize the living. We have people that are brain dead that are no longer able to make there own decisions, so we step in. We say things like that person would have wanted to live. Well, that could be true. Thatperson could have wanted to live, but also that person could have possibly changed there mind doing the moment of fate.There are laws out there that actually give us the authority over another's life. Wow. I mean I can actually make a decision to keep or take someone's life. That's deep. People if your listening. Never take control of my life. When it's my time let me go... If I'm brain dead, let my body die. My soul will last forever. I'm on this earth alone,as we all are, so please let me die that way. I wonder what a brain dead person thinks about. Are they really brain dead, or is it a medical cliche'. And who would want to live if they couldn't function. Sometimes I think that doctors want to practice on our lives, I guess that's why they call there ventures practices. The doctors in the corner going if I bring this person back from this brain dead state I will make medical history! He's like Dr. Jekel. The family is so selfish that they want the life preserved. I would think that you would want your loved one to die peacefully. If a person is in this state of emptiness what is like for them. I mean we all say what we would want if things actually got to a point were we had no control, but right before that moment. You know there is always a moment, right before anything happens. It happens rather fast but still it's a moment. Before you go into a vegetation state do you want to change your mind? I know it's to late, but I'm sure know one would want to live that way. How could they. Who would just want to exist? Who want to exist without freedom? Why do we continuously intervene with life? Let life live. I find it really ironic that life comes from the earth, you know plants and things like that, but when we die, we go into the dirt which is the earth. It's so crazy.


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