Mistakes happen
Through out life we tend to make mistakes upon mistakes. As we get older we tend to think we will not repeat the same mistakes. Well, if your smart you'll not make the same mistakes, if your wise you won't make the mistake in the first place. Life is a learning lesson no doubt, but at what point does mistakes just turn into your personality, and there is nothing that can be done about it? I mean making repeat
mistakes. Is that were someone can come in your life and help you out? Improve you, were you are weak? I do believe in that. I do feel that sometimes the help of another can drastically affect who you are as a person. I look at my parents, and I honestly don't know what they would do without each other. Or I look at some of my friends, and I don't know what they would do without me. Of course everyone would be alright, but I do believe that if your the angel on their shoulder you can assist them in not making as many mistakes. I make lots of mistakes, and it gets so bad that when the mistake are made I get angry as it's happening. Talking about experience kicking in kind of late. I feel that I have made more mistakes in my twenties than I have in my whole time on this earth combined.
I hope the next chapter in life will not be as stressful. I hope I can I walk in and out with minor bumps and bruises. Some may say impossible, others may say it's possible. Maybe your thinking of not making the same mistakes in the next chapter, I'm talking about new mistakes that haven't even been realized yet. Can you catch the bullet with your teeth. Can you land on your feet, and be nimble. That would be the greatest thing. But as they say, mistakes happen. Just know what to do when they do. What's the corrective action. Now, I have a corrective action for my mistakes and even though it doesn't replace the mistake it sure makes me feel better knowing that I was able to respond swiftly.
mistakes. Is that were someone can come in your life and help you out? Improve you, were you are weak? I do believe in that. I do feel that sometimes the help of another can drastically affect who you are as a person. I look at my parents, and I honestly don't know what they would do without each other. Or I look at some of my friends, and I don't know what they would do without me. Of course everyone would be alright, but I do believe that if your the angel on their shoulder you can assist them in not making as many mistakes. I make lots of mistakes, and it gets so bad that when the mistake are made I get angry as it's happening. Talking about experience kicking in kind of late. I feel that I have made more mistakes in my twenties than I have in my whole time on this earth combined.
I hope the next chapter in life will not be as stressful. I hope I can I walk in and out with minor bumps and bruises. Some may say impossible, others may say it's possible. Maybe your thinking of not making the same mistakes in the next chapter, I'm talking about new mistakes that haven't even been realized yet. Can you catch the bullet with your teeth. Can you land on your feet, and be nimble. That would be the greatest thing. But as they say, mistakes happen. Just know what to do when they do. What's the corrective action. Now, I have a corrective action for my mistakes and even though it doesn't replace the mistake it sure makes me feel better knowing that I was able to respond swiftly.
Will we ever be free from making mistakes? Fewer maybe, but not completely free from them, that is unless we become comfortable with the same life cycle for the rest of our lives. I choose to develop and reach for greater things so mistakes will follow. With risk come mistakes. We will make mistakes, living with that reality is what is difficult. Learning from mistakes are what make you. I'm human, nothing more. I definitely made more mistakes as a teenager than anything. Those mistakes made me better in my 20's. I wouldn't change it, because of those mistakes I'm now severly uncomfortable with the possibility of reverting to where I was earlier in life. Are you not better now than where you once were? I'm not afraid of making mistakes, because they helped make me who I am. They happened for a reason and I could never have created such a great end result without them.
I love making mistakes. They making me stronger. It's like losing in order to win.
"It's like losing in order to win"......well said.
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