Wednesday, July 13, 2005


What's wrong? I have a lot of stuff on my mind and on my plate.
Is there anything I can do? No.
I'm here for you if you need me. I know, but I'm ok.

Does the person asking the question impose, or does the person let the person go? We tend to be so selfish when it comes to others feelings. We get angry when we extend ourselves to people and they don't except our extension. The other person doesn't want to extend themselves, then we add pressure to there issue by imposing. It sucks to care. It sucks to know someone needs help, but they don't want you to help. It sucks to be involved emotionally with a person that is selfish when it comes to sharing there inner thoughts. Is that selfish of me? Is that selfish of me to question someones motives? At times I believe so, and sometimes I believe not.
It sucks to care. It sucks to be there but not really be there. No worries, I guess that's why life is all about you, and it will always be that way.

I learn things time and time again. The same things over and over again. Don't impose on someones situation. If someone tells you to go, go. If they tell you that they can't, then stop. Don't continue on. People do what they want, and if you have to convince someone what you want them to do for you, or for themselves involving you, than your in a world of pain and hurt.

Let love go, and let love live on it's own. People will make time for what they want to make time for. Everything is opportunity, and nothing is about a blanket want or need. If your not the one, then your just not the one. Don't make your self be the one when that person doesn't even want you to be. You will have pain for eternity, don't make more of it than your already going to deal with.

I'm like the wind. I'm here and them I'm not. No worries. You'll never even remember I existed.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

About you

Thinking about you makes me yawn.
Thinking about you makes me scratch my head.
Thinking about you makes me wanna leave the one I'm with.
Thinking about you makes me wanna keep the one I'm with.
Thinking about you makes me sure of my inner self.
Thinking about you makes me wanna have space.
Thinking about you makes me wanna pull you close to me.
Thinking about you makes the world move slower.
Thinking about you makes time go by soooo fast.
Thinking about you makes me wonder who I am.
Thinking about you makes me sexual.
Thinking about you paralyzes my analysis.
Thinking about you brings the future to the front of my mind.
Thinking of you reminds me of where I've been.
Thinking about you makes me want to find you.
Thinking about you makes me want to realize that I'm alone for a reason at the right time, just to think about you.

Thinking about you. The common cure for loneliness.


Sex is sensual, sex is challenging.
Sex is soft, sex is rewarding.
Sex is monumental, sex is gratifying.
Sex is hard, sex is wet.
Sex is me, sex is you.
Sex is fantastic, sex is complicated.
Sex is romantic, sex is tantric.
Sex is amazing, sex is tight.
Sex is right, sex is bright.
Sex sucks, sex is tough.

Sex breaks hearts, while breaking backs.
Sex connects, while disconnecting.
Sex makes you love, while making you hate.
Sex makes you dumb, while your about to cum.
Sex loves my mood, while I love to be in the mood.

Sex is want I want, and sex is what I don't want. I crave it, I was made from it and all while I lust for it, I some how become it. I'm walking sex, talking sex, thinking sex, all while I'm writing about sex. Sex, that greatest feeling next to love............

Empty seat

Getting along and staying along is hard to do. I've never met anyone that has understood me, but I've met many that I have understood. I've evaluated, given chances too, and walked in others worlds just to be in/on their level. I keep finding mountains out of mole hills instead of finding true mountains with peaks that are never attained. You see you never want the relationship to peak. Plateau is ok, but peak is the end.

I make adjustments to my behavoir. I reinvent my soul, and I still wind up alone........ Alone is so convincing. It's absolute like uncertainty. I wonder if the streets I travel and the stairs I climb, are congested with the wrong seeds. People come and grow in my life. Some by choice, others by accident. The ones I want never stay, and the ones I don't want end up enemies. How can it be? I just wanna be understood. I just want to exist next to someone that knows why I exist, or if they don't know at least there able to empathize with me.

Supposedly I've had that. Or at least if you let others tell it, but I truly believe I haven't, and if I have it or have had it I hope reality slaps me in the face and wakes me up in to this utopia of connecting with self and others.