The good times!
It was great when it was good. The things that we do are moments, and we should take advantage of those moments. We seem to search for so much more in so little things. Life is a series of moments some more significant than others, but still moments. Small moments may make larger ones and so on. When I started out alone in adulthood, I always thought there would be more fun. More of something, but I never knew what more was. I just knew it existed. It's sorta funny because I would rush to the fun, get there and then say I waited for this! Now I except everything for what it is. I find fun in the little things, wait patiently for the large things, and if moments come, they come. I look forward to sitting on the couch, watching my favorite movie, or driving through my childhood neighborhood. It doesn't have to be big for it to be great. The good times are what we take for granted.